Thursday, August 11, 2011

How will policy impact Future Healthcare?

By Carina White RN

Economics, Ethnicity, Changes in Policy are the three fundamental principals that will have an impact on the future of Health Care.

a) Economics:Overall health care spending rose from 5.1% of the gross national product(GNP) from the 1960s to 15.3% in the 2003 and by the year 2014 spending is expected to rise by 18.7% (Clark 2008).

b) Ethnicity/Cultural/Race: Seniors, 65 years and up will make up half of the population by the year 2035. The increase in non-whites will triple by 2020 (Hispanic population will be the majority). The rates of poverty and health care disparities will increase. Lack of insurance, increased depends on government programs, such as Medicaid/Medicare will also affect the cost of future health care . (Stanhope, 2008)

c)Change in Government Policy in the Washington: Cuts in Medicaid/Medicare programs that will affect the poor and those with several disabilities are under consideration. Reform in Social Securities benefits and decreases in spending or funding for extensive research programs is also anticipated. Lobbying for increased taxes and limited caps on Drug Companies charging for medication are also being considered. (Clark, 2008) & (Stanhope, 2008)

In addition to the influences listed above, there are many other changes that will affect the entire delivery of care nurses will face in the future. Seniors and the poor will feel the bulk of changes in the health care system. Nurses will have to do more teaching and educating patients about medication, prevention of disease, diets, etc. There will be increase in Home health care/Community nursing, because of the cuts in entitlement programs, such as medicaid/medicare.

Clark M J (2008) Community Health Nursing Advocacy for Population Health.

Stanhope M & Lancaster J (2008) Public Health Nursing Population-Centered Health Care in the Community.

This blog post reflects the work of a Registered Nurse with minor editing by Shirley Comer RN and was completed as a class assignment. The content of this blog is for informational purposes only. Before beginning or changing a treatment or lifestyle regime you should consult your primary health care provider.

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