By Lisa Lemenger RN
What is atrial fibrillation? Atrial fibrillation is the two atria of the heart quivering instead of beating effectively. Because the blood isn’t pumped out of the atria effectively, it may pool and form clots (American Heart Association, 2011). Visualized on an EKG rhythm strip, it is an irregular, narrow complex rhythm with no discernable P-waves.
What’s the worst that can happen that can happen with atrial fibrillation? The worst is a blood clot breaking free and lodging in the brain causing a cerebral vascular accident (CVA). While some patients may recover from a CVA with few deficits, the sooner the treatment the better, others suffer deficits that range from motor activity to speech and other senses. Whatever the effect, it is detrimental to a person’s well-being.
Although not all patients with atrial fibrillation experience blood clots and CVA’s, symptoms they may experience include palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, and syncope. Although none of these cause harm on their own, they cause discomfort and may lead to other illness or injuries.
Treatment for atrial fibrillation ranges from treating underlying causes, such as a thyroid condition, to prescribed medications. Anticoagulant therapy, such as Coumadin, is used to prevent blood clots. Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers are used to slow the heart rate (American Heart Association, 2010).
If medications do not control heart rates, a procedure called radiofrequency catheter ablation can be performed. Multiple catheters are inserted through bilateral veins in the groin, up through the right atrium, and into the left atrium through a transeptal puncture. The pulmonary vein is burned to cause a scar around it to eliminate the abnormal electrical signals sent by the atrial node (Johnson, Jadick, & Knippers, 2011).
Patient education provided by the nurse should include signs and symptoms; when to seek medical attention; medication information; and education regarding any underlying causes or associated chronic illnesses. Equipped with education and encouragement by the nurse, the patient should be able to follow a medication regimen and control his atrial fibrillation, minimizing symptoms and the risk of blood clots.
American Heart Association. (2011). Atrial Fibrillation. Retrieved February 23, 2011, from
American Heart Association: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?
American Heart Association. (2010, August 11). Treating Atrial Fibrillation. Retrieved February 23,
2011, from American Heart Association: http://www.heart.org/STROKEORG/LifeAfter
Johnson, T.W., Jadick, E.A., & Knippers, L. (2011). Atrial Fibrillation Ablation. American Journal of
Nursing, 58-61.
Note: This blog post reflects the work of Lisa Lemenger RN with minor editing by Shirley Comer RN and was completed as a class assignment. The content of this blog is for informational purposes only. Before beginning or changing a treatment or lifestyle regime you should consult your primary health care provider.
1 comment:
Hello Shirley,
Healthline just designed a virtual guide of how atrial fibrillation affects the body. You can see the infographic here: http://www.healthline.com/health/atrial-fibrillation/effects-on-body
This is valuable med-reviewed information that can help a person understand the effects of afib of their body. I thought this would be of interest to your audience, and I’m writing to see if you would include this as a resource on your page: http://nursesknow.blogspot.com/2011/03/atrial-fibrillation.html
If you do not believe this would be a good fit for a resource on your site, even sharing this on your social communities would be a great alternative to help get the word out.
Thanks so much for taking the time to review. Please let me know your thoughts and if I can answer any questions for you.
All the best,
Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
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